Honest Product Review: Sweet Sweat Stick Citrus Mint

What is it: Sweet Sweat is a topical gel that allows your body to increase heat and circulation in a particular area. This sensation and body response by Sweet Sweat will allow your body to burn fat in that said area. This is the new version of Sweet Sweat in the Citrus Mint scent. 

Sports Research Sweet Sweat Citrus Mint

What makes it great: This is a noninvasive fat burner that does not affect your metabolism or anything internal. It will amplify your workout and make you better. 

Bro Science: Sweat more = weight loss.

Citrus Mint Sweet Sweat Stick

Real Science: By bringing more attention or blood flow to a certain area, your body can mobilize or move that fat to burn it off. 

The Good: The new scent and dope looking stick. 

The Bad: You need to workout to really get the full effect. 

The Score: 8.6/10

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