
You’re eating everything in sight and then some. Your friends don’t seem to understand it and keep telling you how fat you’re getting. They just don’t get the fact that you’re not getting fat, “I’m bulking bro”.

So you put on a few extra pounds, double bacon cheeseburgers by day, 2 Chipotle burritos by night. You are only a few weeks away from your balfpoint aka bulking half point aka Bulksgiving. That’s right the perfect opportunity to take a step back and say, “am I doing the clean bulk that I intended? Have I been putting on quality muscle mass over the past few weeks?”

If the answer is yes then go to your garage take a hammer and smash your computer screen into a million pieces because we both know you’re just lying to yourself. If you’re ready to admit that you are using bulking to rationalize your lack of self-control then just know you are going to have to work twice as hard during your cut to make your net weight gain better than when you started your bulk. So keep packing on those lbs and keep eating at Mc’dicks and chipoty potes, but just know when cutting season comes around, its all about that lean chicken.

There’s still time to turn that bulk around and here are the key foods, exercises and supplements to get you there.


Stuffing – If you’re like most people you love stuffing especially for thanksgiving. Check out this awesome recipe to make bulk friendly stuffing: http://healthycrush.com/sprouted-grain-stuffing/

Protein Cornbread – Who doesn’t love cornbread? Protein Cornbread = Ample quality carbs + good lean protein. See the recipe here: http://dhftns.com/protein-cornbread-recipe-low-fat-high-protein/

Stuffed Baked Apples with Vanilla Greek Yogurt – It’s time for desert, yes there are deserts that actually are good (in moderation) for a clean bulk. See the recipe: http://coconutoilcooking.com/coconut-oil-blog-posts/stuffed-baked-apples-with-vanilla-greek-yogurt/


There are many mass building workouts out there but this one is my personal favorite: http://www.mensfitness.com/training/build-muscle/crush-your-resolution-4-weeks-to-more-mass

Here are some general guidelines on how many sets you want to be doing for each muscle group.

Chest – 4 different exercises each with 3-4 sets. 12 total sets.

Back – 4-5 different exercises each with 3 sets. 12-15 total sets.

Legs – 4 different exercises each with 4-6 sets. 16-24 total sets.

Shoulders – 4 different exercises each with 3-4 sets. 12-16 total sets.

Biceps – 3 different exercises each with 3 sets. 8 total sets.

Triceps – 3 different exercises each with 4 sets. 12 total sets.


There are so many different mass building supplements on the market it’s overwhelming. I have broken this down into the top bulking stacks:


1.  If you’re saving every last penny for spring break then the Optimum Gains Stack is for you. It gives you your basic building blocks; Optimum Nutrition Serious Mass to help pack on the lb’s with 1,250 calories per serving you’ll be sure to notice gains in no time. Stacked with Optimum Nutrition’s Platinum PRE you’ll be repping out sets like you did shots on your 21st birthday.

2.  If you’ve got a little extra $$$ to spend and want to pack on some quality mass then The Incredible Bulk Stack is the only way to go. You get 4 Dimension’s Mass Phase with a solid 1000 calories and 18 servings to get you over the bulk plateau.  Isostori’s PWR pre-workout to get the pump flowing, energy up, and focus on point. PWR is known for its intense focus factor. Believe me it works just like your favorite study aid, but for the gym. Finally MusclePharm’s Creatine with 5000mg in their patented creatine matrix. You’ll be able to put up more weight and have more power behind every rep without the bloat.

3.  So you’ve gotten a hold of your parents’ credit card and you’re done blowing money at the bars. This custom stack will take you to the next level. Arnold Series Iron Mass. This revolutionary Mass Gainer designed by the one and only Arnold Schwarzenegger has the highest quality ingredients including some of Arnolds mass building secrets such as whipped cream. Yes, WHIPPED CREAM, and its purpose is to spike your insulin post workout. Isotori’s Bio-Gro; if you don’t know by now this recently launched supplement has received praise from some of the world’s best bodybuilders. It allows your body to synthesize more protein faster which allows your muscles to recover faster and therefore grow quicker. With all this bulking and digesting your body will naturally get tired which is why you will need Campus Protein’s FUEL pre-workout to get your energy, focus, and pump back in check.        


It’s time to turn your bulk around. Follow these steps and Gainz City is just around the corner. Until next time, bulk on my friends.

– Danny J. Gibbons

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