Chicken Legs

Chicken legs suck and don’t look good. That’s the moral of this post. Legs make up half of your body and are practically everything’s necessity. If you don’t work them, you’ll look disproportionate with a big upper body and tiny lower body.

WORKOUT YOUR LEGS TWICE A WEEK…OR IN A 7-DAY SPAN. Like any big risk, leg workouts produce the biggest rewards (that’s my cliché for the day). It’s an amazing feeling after getting

through an exhausting leg workout and your upper body lifts will improve at a substantially higher rate too.

My preferred method is making a solo leg day and pairing legs with an upper body muscle within a 7-day span. I’ll usually pair legs with either shoulders or back, but I’ve paired them with chest and arms as well. Another method would be breaking up leg muscles into different routines, such as gluteus with hamstrings and quads with calves.

Ask people with chicken legs why they constantly ignore leg workouts like redheaded stepchildren and they’ll all spew out the same bullshit. For my magic trick today, I shall bullet point some notable excuses, checkmark some of my favorite lifts for legs, and then share somewhere between 1-350 of my leg routines.

Here are some chicken shit excuses:

  • “I work my legs enough from cardio.” Cardio is critical to workout success and bikes do provide some resistance, but you better lift weights for legs just as much as you do for upper body.People just make these claims, because working legs is too challenging. Discrimination is wrong, so don’t segregate your legs from the weight room. BOOM.
  • “I don’t need to work my legs, because they’re naturally muscular and strong.” You’re better off producing big legs from badass workouts at the gym, instead of a Burger King fetish. Believe me, I know, and I’ve been there.
  • “Nobody sees your legs, so nobody cares.” This one is not as common, but I’ve heard it. It’s just another thing people say to avoid a challenge.
  • “I have bad knees.” This is overused. I don’t have much experience with this excuse, so just ask Derrick Rose (too soon?). His knees are cleared to play basketball, yet he’s still not using them. He might have some insight on this one.

Here are amazing lifts for legs:

ü  FORM > WEIGHT. Put your pride aside, because lighter weight with proper form produces better results than heavy weight with shit form. Also, aside from my machine section, EVERYTHING IS DONE WITH FREE WEIGHTS. Less assistance creates faster, better, and stronger results.

ü  Bar Back Squats. Bar back squats will nail your quads the most, while also requiring strong gluteus, back, and core. For the best results, squat BELOW 90-DEGREES, while staying on your heals and not hunching your back.

ü  Bar Deadlifts. Deadlifts nail your hamstrings, while also working your quads, gluteus, hips, arms, forearms, core, and lower back. The main issue is that deadlifts scream injuries, so you cannot get away with crap form.

ü  Dumbbell Bulgarian Split Squats. This one is a burner. In short, hold two dumbbells, get in a lunge position with one leg back on a bench instead of the ground, and then squat BELOW 90-DEGREES with the other leg, using your core to stabilize and balance. This lift will isolate the hell out of whichever leg is on active duty. Bulgarian split squats may be hell’s version of hell, but it’s one of the best definition producing mechanisms.

ü  Lunge Variations. You all know what lunges are, so do them. I switch up lunge variations every few weeks with bars, dumbbells, walking lunges, standing in place and alternating lunges, forward lunges, backwards lunges, jumping lunges with weights or no weights, and the list goes on.

ü  Machines For Bonus Sets. Machines make for good set-adders, and they’re great to circuit with the bigger, free weight lifts. Some notable machines are leg press, hack squat, leg extensions and leg curls.

ü  Do Weighted Calve Raises Or Something Like That. Enough said there.


You’ll be hearing about leg workouts and my distaste for chicken legs plenty more from me. You cannot go ALL IN without treating your legs the same way you do your upper body. Order yourselves Campus Protein’s awesome FUEL pre-workout before the next time you work legs. It’s a fantastic energy booster and will get you in the zone.

Below are three leg workouts. You absolutely can these. I’ll see y’all next week and please read. I’m putting off a lot of studying for finals to write these, so if I fail law school, it’d at least be nice to know one or two people read.

–       LeanBerg

Legs Workout A

  • 10 Round Superset!!
    • Bar Back Squats 8-10 reps rounds 1-3, 5-6 reps rounds 4-5, 10-12 reps rounds 6-7, 15-20 reps rounds 8-10
    • Leg Curl Machine 8-15 reps
    • 3 Round Circuit
      • Leg Curls 10-15 reps
      • Standing Dumbbell Calf Raise 10-15 reps
      • Bar Alternating Lunges 10-12 reps each leg (10-24 total reps)
      • 3 Round Abs Circuit
        • Weighted Jackknife Situps 20-30 reps
        • Cable Crunches 20-30 reps
        • Lying Down Leg Lifts While Holding Up Plate 20-30 reps

Leg Workout B

  • 4 Round Superset
    • Deadlifts 10-15 reps
    • Leg Extension Machine 10-15 reps
    • 4 Round Circuit
      • Leg Press Machine 15 reps
      • Frog Situps 30-50 reps
      • Seated Calf Raise Machine 10-15 reps
      • 4 Sets
        • Dumbbell Bulgarian Split Squats 15, 12, 10, 8 reps each leg
        • Run 3 Miles (LOVE CARDIO ON LEG DAYS!)

 Leg & Shoulders

  • 4 Round Circuit
    • Deadlifts 20, 15, 10, 6 reps
    • Sitting Dumbbell Arnold Press 10-15 reps
    • Standing Dumbbell Side Raise 10-15 reps
    • 4 Round Circuit
      • Dumbbell Squats (resting on your shoulders) Followed With A Shoulder Press 8-12 reps
      • Leg Curl Machine 10-12 reps
      • Bar Upright Row 10-15 reps
      • Abs – 100 Weighed Jackknives Situps As Fast As Possible
      • Abs – 100 Situps on Decline Bench As Fast As Possible
      • Run 3 Miles

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